
This is blog about my botanical garden, garden full of flowers, the forest near my home, the park in the city I’ve visited, flowers in art , plants trough history and my artwork .

Thank you for coming by and feel free to visit My Botanical Garden again, you are welcome !!!


Feel free to visit my art blog, too : https://tamarajare.com/tamara-jare-blog/

Have a look at my art at : https://tamarajare.com/

428 replies on “About”

Thank you-I discovered your Organized at heart blog-exactly what I have to learn more about,going to read it


Please add your name and the corner of the world in which this botanical garden can be found.
I love the header with the ‘Blauwe Zeedistel’, Dutch for ‘Sea holly’ (Eryngium maritimum).
Hope to read more here on your botanical adventures.


Dear Paula,
I see my About page is to be updated 😉
till then-my name is Tamara Jare and the beautiful town I live in is Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia.
Happy to hear you like my blog!


I was in Ljubljana last year and love it! We hope to live in Zurich for a year or so soon and want to travel to Slovenia often!!! Your blog is lovely.


Dear Lydia,
I live in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I like to travel, so some posts are about plants and botanical gardens from other places 😉


Thank you!Senior’s gardening is an old concept, but our garden volunteers are special as they do learn a lot and then spread this new knowledge back to community,this is a process by which senior people not only contribute to society, but also reintegrate themselves -for old people are too often underprivileged group, stereotypes about older people being one of the many reasons for that………


Thank you-means a lot as your Beagle Journey is great indeed,from your concept up to the pictures!


Delightful concept, and as you might guess from stopping by my blog, we have a lot of interests in common, so I look forward to seeing what this particular near-senior garden-and-art aficionado can learn from you along the way!


Dear Cathryn,
thank you for nice words,but I am sure there is much I can learn from you along the way as well-and this is I like the most about my blog-meeting people who are interested in world around them!
All the best,


Thank you,will try to make My Botanical Garden a place to learn (and to have a great time!) 😉


Thank for stopping by and liking my Red Tail Recluse post. The best part for me is visiting in kind and finding a great site! Well set-up, full of great information and ideas, and awesome photos. Look forward to more visits.


🙂 Thank you for that. It is amazing how supportive and appreciative the blogging community is of one another…if only the rest of the world could be as well.


Thank you (specially for the nice explanation!!!) Need a day or two to post it 😉


You do me great honor in the nomination for Versitile Blogger Award! I don’t know how to express what it makes me feel. Is there something I have to do to accept?


Many thanks for stopping to read my blog, Stones and Feathers. I see we share a love of gardening and the pleasure of learning grace from our gardens! I like your blog as well.


Thank you for stopping by … In Your Garden, a book recommended by ucsusa.org – shows how the love of being outdoors, reading, gardening and prose just fits


i did not know about Vita before the ucsusa.org garden series … i urban garden but grew up with a garden my mom treated like one of the kids
with nettles, most herbs, rubarb, mint, kale, mustard greens etc …i love my little containers though … thank you for the conversation … more to learn


a garden is a garden-no matter how big-it always bonds us with nature


you have a wonderful blog – with so much value informations! I´m unfortunately not an expert in gardening but I love to take pictures from mother nature and from all beautiful flowers, althought I don´t even know the name of them. Now, I can look up the name from some of the flowers that I shoot on your blog that is very informative – it´s nice!
Thank you for stopping by on my “Photos On The Go” and I also thanks for sharing your great pictures and your experiences in gardening!

Sunelly Sims


Thank you very much-I like taking photos, too, but need still some practice!I am happy to hear I put valuable information on my blog!
All the best,


Thank you for stopping by and liking my blog. By coincidence I too am a volunteer tutor with my local U3A [University of the Third Age] here in England. But it is a ‘singing for fun’ group. Photography is a hobby for me and I am limited to my own garden most of the time, but I love doing close-ups of flowers etc.
with best regards Eileen


What a nice coincidence!I actually work for U3A-developing new programs,I work on our international projects,I write…..yesterday a journalist from Slovakia visited me to talk about Sculpting in clay workshop….
Do you engage in some other groups at your U3A?
All the best,


Congratulations for the award-you do have a great blog!!!!!
And THANK YOU for listing My botanical garden!!!
Sorry for the delay-i will do my duty in next days-need some time to do it well!
All the best,


I’m glad you liked my blog post the other day. I’m also interested in art, (currently in a dormant stage), and in nature and gardening.
Recently moved house from one where I could create a garden because there was only a rectangle of grass to one with a mature garden and I’m missing the creative side immensley!
Your blog looks interesting and informative. Glad to have found you 🙂
Currently boning up on trees as I realised this spring how many I couldn’t identify as I drive round The Peak District.


Thank you for nice words!
I see you do live in great surroundings,I guess a lot of trees there?;)
I am far for knowing all the trees in my neighborhood, but which intrigues me now is I’ve realized I don’t recognize more than several birds here around ;(
all the best,


Thank you for stopping by and liking my post. This is a lovely idea for a blog and I agree with you that connecting with gardens and plants is often a good way to connect with people too.


OK,you don’t need to be jealous at all-I just love nature, garden, beauty,that’s all.And see you do, too-you cactus pics are great,look forward to visit again!


You have an interesting blog I look forward to visit again.Glad you do like the collection in My Botanical Garden-I work hard to make it grow and I enjoy doing it 😉
All the best, Tamara


You do have an interesting blog!
Glad you like collection in My Botanical Garden-I try hard to make it interesting,nice,educational,fun-and I enjoy doing it 😉
All the best,


I am sorry to disappoint you, but the picture doesn’t show the whole plant, so it is not easy to tell which one it could be ;(
You have a nice blog thou-after all the work I’ve done in my kitchen today I wish I would live in a hotel, too….
All the best,


Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. I love the idea of your senior garden project and wish you much success with it. And now, I’ll spend a little time browsing through your botanical garden. Thanks for sharing it with us all!


Thank you-my senior garden project is developing and I am happy to see what it means to all seniors involved,besides that they do a great job, too.Feel free to visit my Botanical Garden, you might meet garden volunteers 😉


Tamara, you really get around! This time you found someone who’s been to Ljubljana (many years ago). I learned about backyard vegetable gardening from an elderly couple in Bosnia, and regularly trade garden tips with my mother’s friends, so I love the idea of your intergenerational project. I’m looking forward to keeping up with your posts. Do vidjenja!


Hi there!
This is a very important and commendable blog as it serves to connect so many aspects together: society, ecology, development and individuality; and deals with botany, education, senior learning, intergenerational learning, ecology, volunteerism and art.

For your information, in addition to being a full-time carer of an elderly person, I am also a very busy and dedicated person who have done a great deal of pro bono works over my working life to promote good causes and worthy organisations. So, I do understand and appreciate the focus of your life and what you intend to achieve.

In a nutshell, your botanical garden is a special one and very inclusive! And for that, you deserve a big hug from SoundEagle . . . . .


This is a comment I highly appreciate as I see you share the same values about helping others as I do.I intend to keep on trying to make My Botanical Garden a place open to learning,art, volunteering,friends-feel free to stop by any time!And thank you for the hug-I needed one today 😉


Thanks so much for visiting my blog yesterday and liking “Dreams…”. I truly appreciate your visit and the “like”. You have a very beautiful and interesting blog! Please stop by my blog again soon!


I know, I know-but there is award and I would like to write a good post about it 😉
Congratulations for the award and thank you for nominating me!


Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the “like” on my recent post “On Gardening”. I am happy to have found your wonderful blog, and I can’t wait to read more of your entries. I’m definitely not a wonderful gardener, but I can tell that you are. I hope I can learn a thing or two, and also have some wonderful adventures through your blog. =)


I just wanted to stop by and say thank you very much for liking one of my photos. I have added a link to your blog on my links page and will be visiting here to view the beautiful flower photos. I loved your photos of the Christmas cactus. Those are one of my favorite plants.


Hello Tamara
Thanks for liking one of the photos on my blog ‘Old School Garden’. I’ve been looking round your site and will be keeping up to date with you in your botanical Garden! I see you are interested in inter-generational learning, a topic that I’m into also. i’m involved with a project called ‘Mastergardener’ in the UK (not sure whereabouts you are), which includes working with communities ,schools etc in growing their own food. I’m aware of some interesting examples of where older people and youngsters are jointly developing a community/school garden. Anyway, hope to see you again and maybe keep the conversation going here and at http://www.audaxdesign.co.uk ? Nigel


Hi, Nigel!
Welcome in My Botanical Garden-I see in Old School Garden there are interesting things going on, too! I will be visiting your garden for sure, to exchange ideas and views! Not to mention great photos you do have!See you!


Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the “like” on my recent post. I’m happy you enjoyed reading it.

Your blog and your garden are both beautiful. I’ve enjoyed looking around in here already! In particular, your post with the fern ice crystal patterns — beautiful pictures and patterns!


Intergenerational learning with gardening 7 botany as the subject matter sounds like a great idea. Best of luck with it! And thank you very much for the follow – I hope you find some botanical inspiration from my blog.


I think we are kindred spirits. I have slowly the past seven years turned an indoor courtyard into an “outdoor living museum” at the school where I teach 1st-8th grade (elementary) students science (I see each student once a week). They live in a high crime, urban area so don’t get to spend time outdoors. This has been such a wonder-ful experience for them (and me!) Keep up YOUR wonderful works.


Hi Tamara, thanks so much for introducing yourself by rebloging our post. The concept of your site is fantastic! Gardens have such a power to inspire and heal. (I have a feeling you must be a fan of the Frances Hodgson Burnett novel The Secret Garden.) Please visit us again soon–you might also enjoy the RAXA Collective facebook page too, we post complementary items there. Cheers!


Hello Tamara. I’m a new blogger and don’t know much about awards, but you definitely deserve all of them. Your blog is not only pleasing to the eye but also educational. I’ll make sure to visit it often. Thanks for stopping by. By the way, I’m half Slovenian and I love Ljubljana where I still have relatives. Na svidenje. 🙂 Irina


Thank you wery much for this recognition! But I’ve recently decided to have an award-free blog,so I can not accept this kind award. Wish you many more great posts and thanks again!


typical Florida fauna and flora. Orange trees in the back oaks, mango, grapefruit. The orange trees give oranges, the grapefruit tree gives grapefruit but the mango does not produce and the oak tree does not give oaks.


I would be happy having orange tree and oranges, I have apples instead, which is not so bad. grapefruits from your own garden-that sounds even better!!


What a great site, I look forward to following along and learning! (thanks for visiting mine, I’ve just entered this blogging world and am having fun stumbling around) Best to you


I really like your blog! And as a naturalist (who’s focused mostly on botany) and artist, who’s travelled quite a bit, I relate… a lot! to your interests, ideas, concerns. I’m curious where you live and where this third age university is, and where you’re thinking of beginning your intergenerational project. And if you need any help! I wonder if you’re in Spain. I used to live there and that’s where I became familiar with the concept of “tercera edad.” Thanks for “liking” my post on patience and milkweed; your like allowed me to find and follow your wonderful blog!


Thank you Rebecca! I live in Ljubljana, Slovenia,here I work at U3, too.And here is a wonderful botanical garden, too. I worked on several IG projects, one of them SCULPTING TOGETHER is part of some posts of mine (may 2012). Where do you live? In case I make another IG project, you are welcome!


I thought for sure I was going to see the typical garden pictures but your blog surprised me. It sounds like the earth is your garden! 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog.


You bring the ecology, the Flora and Fauna to the attention of all of us as we almost have started ignoring it. I love your Blog as I hope and dream to have a garden one day bigger one! ;-). Beautiful posts I love it! 🙂


Thank you for liking my “Rustic Embrace” post. You have a lovely blog. My grandfather had many gardens and also raised bees, so I appreciate your pictures and love of plants. I don’t know much about growing flowers – but I love taking their picture 8^). Wonderful I can see yours all the way from Slovenia to the United States.


Hello and nice to meet you. Thank you for liking a post of mine. I bet your view is really pretty to see plants and flowers etc. Have a nice day.


Hi Tamara, nice to meet you and to explore your lovely blog. I hope your garden volunteer program is going well. What an excellent idea.
I know it’s been a long time (we’ve been without internet for a while) but I wanted to say thank you for the ‘like’ on the post about Bolivia. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Blessings, Alison


Thank you, Alison! Garden volunteer program has become a popular one, they do great things! I have to make a post with the news, I see 😉
All the best, Tamara


Hi Tamara,
Thank you for the ‘like’ on the Orchid post/pictures on my PlantInTheSun blog. I’ve been looking around yours, and it’s very lovely. I never heard that story about Apollo and Daphne (bay laurel) before. Very interesting.
I believe you are my first visitor from Slovenia. So, do you have a subtropical climate there, or more Mediterranean? I’m thinking you must have a climate similar to Florida here in the States, meaning you can grow citrus. Just curious.


Love to be your Slovenian guest ! Slovenia is a small but diverse country -our climate range is from alpine (north), continental (east) to Mediterranean (southwest )-you name it! Ljubljana, my city, is in the middle, so no lemons 😉
You can grow lemons?
All the best


Thanks for liking my SWEAT blog! Like you, I have reached the senior’s milestone though life has never been better – time is available for bush walking, painting, dancing, music and study! Cheers, Phillip


Oh my, I am still far from that milestone 😦 Right now I am busy writing concept for one project and reporting to EU for another project ..SO blogging is my little escape 😉
All the best, Tamara


Hi Tamara, thank you so much for visiting and following my blog. Your blog is lovely and I enjoyed reading why you started it–I’m always interested in what motivates people to share little pieces of their lives. What a wonderful reason. I look forward to checking out what you are up to often!


Hi Tamara!
Thanks for liking my post. Your idea of integrating education with nature mirrors my ideas exactly though filtered through a generation lens. I am working on bringing young people, graders and high schoolers, back to their original mother– Earth.
It is alarming to see how many of today’s children spend most of their waking time plugged to the latest electrical gadget. How many kids nowadays actually desire to take a walk into what remains of our wilderness areas? “Will I be able to charge my phone?” is the first universal reaction to such an invitation.
I pray that more and more people realize that the more we get plugged in, the less real our environment becomes- and with this, we begin to dig our own graves.
-H (TRCP Coordinator)


I wish you to reach ad many Young people ad possibile. I work with elderly , connecting volunteering, botany education, ecology, civic engagement and intergenerational learning. One of my best projects was Sculpting together-Kids and seniores together visited botanic garden and then riverbero made ceramic sculptures based on Green impressions from the garden. An exposition of these works tool place in city glasshouse in main parc. Both.Kidd and seniores learned a lot and changed some attitudes, mostly because they were actively involved. I have some posts from this project on my blog, check sculpting together of you are interested! Wishing your Green ideas to flower! Tamara


Hi Tamara and Thank you for visiting my little blog Assiniboine Central.

I just love visiting blogs like yours that are so far away from where I live. This truly is an amazing planet we live on.


What a wonderful thing to be a part of! I hope enjoy and share plant knowledge with you. I just followed you. :mrgreen:


Hi… Currently I am working in a botanic garden (Indonesia) so most of the photos were taken in the botanic garden. Sadly, working in a botanic garden means I have limited time to enjoy it. Hope you can visit here.


You have a beautiful blog! Very glad I stumbled across it. Looking forward to reading your posts 🙂 x


Dear Tamara, I have been reading numerous comments on your blog and your Botanical Garden shines! Perhaps even more so, now that i know it originates in Ljubljana. What a beautiful place, I know this as it is entrenched in my heart. I come from Slovenia too, close by from Sencur near Kranj na Gorenjskem. My first baby was born in Kranj, she turns 30 this year, don’t ask why she hasn’t been back yet, it’s a long story, but is very high on our priority list!!!


Najlepsa hvala! We have a few things on our family and business agenda, and then can’t wait to take my aussie husband and my daughter who was born in Slovenia, turning 30 this year, back to tour homeland! Hopefully within the next 12 months.
I also love your gravatar of the chamomile flowers – so true to Slovenia, I remember them well!


Tamara, Thanks for stopping by the Calm Chicago blog. We’er pretty excited about our veggie garden again this year. We’ll be adding more beds. Also, the rest of the property around the meditation center is planted mostly with native species including milkweed for the Monarch butterflies. Love your photos of the plants. Thanks for sharing what you do. Hillary


Hi Tamara, thank you for visiting our site “Morrisville’s Community Gardens” – still just a seed of an idea. I like your efforts of partnering gardening seniors with others learning to garden. We too are trying to “grow” community along with our plantings. With all of the stressors in our world today, now, more than ever, cross-generational and cross-cultural experiences are needed to improve our quality of life, to help us feel less fearful of what we don’t know and more appreciative of what others around us do know, and I believe that a garden is the perfect place to start.
Thank you for sharing your gardens and I hope to read more about your work with seniors!


Hi morrisvillegardens, I wish you could plant your community garden beds soon! I remember the excitement starting garden volunteers project! Gardening has many practical advantages for the individuals and for the community, but which fascinates me most is transformation of a garden into a learning space, not only for botany or ecology, but also for civic engagement, intergenerational learning, capacity building…In our case we bounded two different educational institutions and we all got a lot.I am sure your gardens will become an important part of your community! I look forward to read about the development of your gardens!


Great blog – great vision. Thank you for the ‘like’ at atrivialmindatwork.com. I will be posting a few more pictures from the nearby nature park over the next few days. Come back and see the new pictures soon!

Thanks again for stopping by.


Thanks for stopping by my blog. My first one. I am interested in photography and I have a great garden big enough to grow vegetables as well as flowers and fruit. I am also nearing my 70th birthday so a few connections to your blog. Keep up the great work. I shall look forward to reading more about the plants you post.


Thanks for stopping by my blog. Like you I am a senior with a love of gardening, art, photography, integrating ecology, life long learning and sharing it with a younger generation, my grandchildren. I am inspired by Richard Louv and his book “Last Child In the Woods http://blog.childrenandnature.org I don’t want my grandchildren to suffer from ‘nature deficit disorder”


Hi Tamara,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you liked it.
I like plants and gardening too. Sad to say I’ve pretty much given up on ever having a decent one of my own. It seems the only thing I can grow is weeds! THEY love me. 😉


Tamara, I’m so glad to meet you! Your blogsite is a little overwhelming (in a good way). I’ve never been to Slovenia, but it looks beautiful. Thanks for visiting my blog.


Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog and liking my Dukkah Chicken and Mango Salad. 🙂
What a brilliant idea to dedicate a site to a botanical garden – such beauty that’s so seldom captured!


One’s closeness to nature is an indication of how close to the surface of the entity is the spirit self. Good to see. As a matter of interest have you seen photosynthesis explained as I have in my blog Neoptions? I have been involved or interested in plants since my birth 81+ years ago and have not seen this; hence my publication of it.


Thanks for liking my macro photography post of spring garden seedlings and flowers. You have some lovely photos on your blog. Have a great day!

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I love this idea! Our seniors are so valuable and there is so much to be learned from them. I love that you are investing in them, and doing something to not only keep them active and productive, but to help them feel as though they are necessary and still have much to give. There is something really cathartic about being outside in nature and working with your hands. Thank you for that, and thank you for stopping by my blog.


Kew Gardens are beautiful, no matter the time of year you visit…..you must go. Thank you, but I’m in Spring, send me some lovely autumn coloured leaves please, I miss them 🙂 x


Love to hear you liked Ljubljana!In these days they are selling easter decorations on the market and ot the bridge again- if the weather gets better I’ll take a pic and post it for you 😉

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Hi Tamara, several doctors I know have told me stories about how much evidence they see of gardening being good for older people, in body and soul. Gardeners suffer less anxiety and, in all probability, live longer because they have an investment in the future. I imagine that your work is very important.
Thanks for following sultanabun.

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Hi Tamara, thanks for your interest in my blog. I’ve had a quick look at what you’re achieving here and very much admire the aspects of intergenerational learning through your topics botany and your love of art. Will be back to read more. Liz

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Thank you, Liz. I pretty much admire nature and love taking photos, and so I have a lot of fun with my blog. You are welcome in My Botanical Garden, feel free to visit it – it is free of charge 😉

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I’m excited to learn more about your senior gardening project! It sounds like a beautiful way to connect different generations through the beauty of nature. I’m looking forward to following your Botanical Garden, Tamara! Wishing you peaceful days in the gardens that surround you! ♡

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Dear Dawn, shame on me, I should write update on my about page! I promise to do it as soon as possible, basically yes, the project is actually alive for a couple of years, I am very happy about it 🙂
Feel free to visit My Botanical Garden, you are welcome and there is no fee 😉

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What a lovely, lovely blog. Thanks for sharing these fine images and your botanical knowledge!
You are fortunate to be in such a beautiful place, and I am fortunate you’ve invited me!

Take care and keep in touch,


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Thank you for you kind words! And yes, we are all fortunate to have wonderful, inspiring nature here, on our blue planet. We should care more for it……Tamara


Thank you for visiting my City Garden in London. This will be its third year and I hope it will take a good shape as the months pass. So visit again to see what happens in the Fortnight Garden in a rural village! And I will be visiting other gardens in the UK and abroad.

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I accidentally hit the wrong button so my response maybe gone. I just want to say, thank you for enjoying my blog Mother’s Day. I contacted our botanical gardens here in my hometown because I was looking for a particular kind of grapes. They were grown in home backyards here. The botanical gardens were very helpful. So, when I saw your botanical garden name, it reminded me of ours. Whether you have children or not, have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

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Hi. Have you been to Venice? Please post some pictures. I have been searching for a good win, but they were either dry or had too much alcohol content. Then I bought Martini & Rossi’s Asti D.O.C.G. I love it! There is no other wine like it. Take care now.

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I’m wondering what camera did you use for the, Flowers overlooking Piran Bay, Slovenia blog? It’s crystal-clear.

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I went to a beautiful wedding at a botanical garden in my area a few weeks ago. The harp was music all alone. Please come back to my blog more often.


Hi Tamara – It is great to see your blog still going strong now for 10+ years!
Alas – my efforts on the Beagle Project ground to a halt several years ago, but I always appreciated your support. Thought you might be interested in a new project I started which is somewhat similar in the style of you have been doing for many years – though in a very different location (One Small Place – https://eukaryote49.wixsite.com/one-small-place). Be well! – Rob


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